Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Creating syncML.jar files using ANT from Funambol.

Compiling and building syncML.jar using ANT. (Funambol)

For this you would need the below mentioned tools.

1. WTK (Wireless too kit)

The same can be downloaded from the below link.
WIreless Tool Kit

2. Apache ant setup

The same can be downloaded from the below link.
Apache ant

3. Antenna.jar

The same can be downloaded from the below link.

4. JDK

This goes without saying.

The sdk for the same can be found from the below link.
Funambol sdk 8.7

Steps for the same:

1. Download the funambol sdk. (Generally, gets saved in the C:/Documents and settings/${user})

2. Download the latest WTK, Apache Ant and antenna.jar file.

3. Install the WTK tool. It gets added generally in c drive. i.e. C:/WTK 2.5.2_01

4. Copy the Apache ant 1.8 to your c drive.

5. Copy the antenna.jar file to the ant lib directory (this is very important for it to work)

6. Set environmental variables in your My Computer.

Set ${JAVA_HOME} and ${ANT_HOME}.
Also in your path variable set the part to ${JAVA_HOME}/bin and ${ANT_HOME}/bin

7. Open command prompt and try ant command. If it gives an internal error, the environmental variables are not set correctly.

8. Once that works, go to the build directory of Common project first in syncML folder. Build the syncML-Common-funambol.jar

9. Copy this in the lib of syncML project. Now go and build the syncML project. The synML-client-funambol.jar is created.

P.S. For creating the jar file you can use "ant build".

Note: In the syncML 1.8 in the build.properties file the WTK directory is C:/WTK 2.5.1, change it to your WTK directory otherwise it will give wtk.home directory doesnt exists.

I hope this helps someone who wants to use the syncML library.


Saturday, August 28, 2010


Strange, I absolutely don't know what i am gonna write about, but lets give it a shot :)
P.S. There's always a option to delete it :)

Life is a phenomenal nature of the universe, which starts just to end. Or rather its a process where from absolutely nothing something very beautiful, very divine is made just to again go back to nothing. I feel life would be something which is worth its entire while when it was there.

Arghhh, nice lines but cant think of anything to continue on :(

Life is one of the most serene and most cherished moments of one's life. Ask that to a mother who has just delivered, or ask that to a person who has just had near death experience, or for that matter of sake ask a person who is trying to catch his breath.

Life is a gift of nature to the human beings which has to be cherished, loved, pampered, spoil t, and most importantly respected.

Live life, cherish all the moments as there wont be a tomorrow, stay happy and just keep smiling.