Saturday, August 28, 2010


Strange, I absolutely don't know what i am gonna write about, but lets give it a shot :)
P.S. There's always a option to delete it :)

Life is a phenomenal nature of the universe, which starts just to end. Or rather its a process where from absolutely nothing something very beautiful, very divine is made just to again go back to nothing. I feel life would be something which is worth its entire while when it was there.

Arghhh, nice lines but cant think of anything to continue on :(

Life is one of the most serene and most cherished moments of one's life. Ask that to a mother who has just delivered, or ask that to a person who has just had near death experience, or for that matter of sake ask a person who is trying to catch his breath.

Life is a gift of nature to the human beings which has to be cherished, loved, pampered, spoil t, and most importantly respected.

Live life, cherish all the moments as there wont be a tomorrow, stay happy and just keep smiling.

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